Here is an update of my most recent painting. I tend to paint something and then spend too much time after it is completed, picking and prodding. But I figured by adding some whipped out snow under bear man's feet, would add to the drama of the piece. But in reality, this wasn't meant to be a masterpiece. Just a warmup painting for a contest. But I still love it. I use it as my desktop image now.
Just the other day, my girlfriend stumbled across my name on google, and next to it was an image of an old pastel portrait of 2pac. She brought it to my attention immediately. I then clicked the link that led me to the Photobucket website. Someone had setup a profile and was using my art as their own. Allowing people to download the image, order prints, make skins for your electronic devices and print on coffee mugs. I was disgusted, and wanted to take action immediately. I contacted a lawyer and explored my options. Seems that it would probably not be cost effective to take the legal route, so I contacted Photobucket's Abuse department. They just requested a bit of information, and had that image taken down within ten minutes.
Now, I normally watermark all of my work, except for some of my old pictures. But some friendly advice to all artists who display your work online, WATERMARK YOUR PICTURES!!! This will hopefully deter others from passing your work off as their own.
Anyway, ENJOY!