Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Female Figure Paint Study

Just touching up my Photoshop painting skills.
When I started this, I didn't think I would push it as far as I did. But it just goes to show, if you keep pushing something, you might end up pleasantly surprised.
Photo study.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Coloring Book Art

My lovely nieces came to visit me from Winnipeg for a week. The oldest one is awesome because she loves my art. The other is too young to appreciate it, but I still love her.
She requested that I color one of the pages from her coloring book, and picked a simple fish picture, that allowed me to use my imagination.
It was really fun painting it in Painter, because I wasn't really thinking about proper lighting or smooth brush strokes. Just threw on some colors and went nuts with different brushes.
She was scared at first, since she doesn't like sharks. But I think she likes it anyway, since it's from her favorite uncle.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Slythe! Comin' To Get That Azz!

Just trying out a new style of painting in Photoshop. In this piece I'm just exploring the design of this character. Nothing much. I must have an idea of all the character's action poses before I can arrange them in an aesthetically pleasing composition.
Man this painting is going to be a monster! I've decide to repaint Lion O and Cheetarah, so the paint style matches everything else.
In this piece, I started with a really loose line drawing, laying out the basic shape, then blocked in the colors. I don't know how, but by adding lights in random places, made the shapes pop out and I think this is how I'd like him to look.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Thunder Cats Assemble! Revisit

I've been exploring different designs for my Old Thundercats Painting.
I just scribbled out some quick, really rough poses for the piece. I'm excited.
I'll keep touching back to this piece, because it will be an epic battle scene. I'm going to have to plan a lot if I want to pull this one off.
In the mean time, I'm working on a few other ideas for the holiday season coming up.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Value Study

Just touching up on my value exercises. Tried out a new brush I created in Photoshop. You get a more painterly look when you try to blend the hell out of values. Especially when Opacity and Flow are at 100%.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Happy Halloween!!!

Here is my Halloween contribution for the year. Took me a little while, but I finally finished it.

Some sketches to look at!

Just throwing up a few of my recent quick sketch studies.
A Beaver, a Halloween Sketch, Kevin from "The Office", and Raymond's Preliminary lines.
