Sunday, December 25, 2011


Just a quick sculpt and render of Brian.
Enjoy!!! Oh, and Merry Christmas!!!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Classic Wolverine Portrait

Screwed around in ZBrush again... Just can't stay away! Gotta get it right buddy!
Stayin' up all night can't be good for you....
Was having fun, then I f'd around and forgot to save it...... epic fail....:(


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Santa Sculpt

Just a quick wakeup sculpture from this morning.

Enjoy... With some Tunes!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Number 9 Of 100

Steady movin' on the 100 faces.... I'll finish if it kills me!
Here's a portrait painting I did of my comedian friend Raymond. It's his Birthday today, so I whipped this one up.
Sketched in Sketchbook Pro and Painted in Painter 12.
Here's the process at 1500% speed in HD fo dat azz!

Friday, November 25, 2011

1 of 100 Faces

Gonna work on finishing something I should have done a long time ago!
I'll try to post as many as possible. My goal is to have them done by 11/30, so I expect you's to hold me to it!

100 Faces..... Go!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Birds... And They're ANGRY!

Here is a painting I finished today. Started in Maya, then ZBrush, then ended in Photoshop. I love those crazed birds!

Those stupid pigs don't know what they're gettin' into!


Stupid Whales

Just a quick painting for the day.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Michaelangelo Madness!!!

Finished up Mike today! Went into too much detail.... It stands out from the rest a bit. But who cares! Movin' on to Leonardo!

Also, if you can tell me which movie I took the quote from, send me a message, and I'll draw you a picture of one of your favorite characters!


Some Lines too!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Sketch of The Day

Bustin' out the new Cintiq. Trying to get adjusted to the shortcuts and the gigantic screen.


Sunday, October 9, 2011

This Is Awkward...

It feels like it has been forever. So I'm not gonna lie, I have been slacking off for the past month weeks. But that doesn't account for the past three months. I have been doing a lot of studying in perspective, construction and basic drawing. You might be thinking, why would an "Artist" need to study drawing? Well, I know I can draw, that isn't the problem. I know that I have to get a lot better to take on the task of creating my own written, drawn, inked, and painted comic book(s).
I had an idea to just sculpt the characters, pose them in static environments, then put word bubbles to illustrate a story. Through many hours of sculpting in ZBrush and modeling in Maya, I came to the conclusion that that would be a stupid idea! Perhaps the stupidest ever! You're an artist, and that would take all of the fun out drawing! Don't get me wrong, you can create some cool stuff in ZBrush and Maya, but nothing I can do in those programs can compare the dynamic art I can spit out onto a blank canvas!
So I broke down to the basics once again, and busted out the o'l pencil and sketchbook.
Painting has not been a priority, because I felt I was lacking in the line department. But enough with the excuses! I will come around, and I will finish the first issue, even if it takes me a year!
Here is some random crap I did a few weeks ago. It helped me to make some crap, so I can appreciate the awesome I will create.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Angry Birds!

Still pluggin' away at Maya and ZBrush.
I've got big plans, but don't want to mention them until I'm almost done!
Just did a speed model of some Angry Birds fan art.
Modeled and rendered in Maya/Mental Ray.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Another Raphael 3D Pose

I love this bust for some reason... But I need to move on.
I started sculpting a Turtle Body a couple of days ago.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

S'more TMNT Madness!!!

It's been so long since I've posted anything, but I didn't just want to post another sketch or crappy painting. I wanted to post something I've been working very hard to master.... and that is ZBrush!
I've been busting my azz, pushing one of my other projects aside, so that I can feel comfortable with ZBrush. I don't know why, but I just love sculpting now. I still draw and paint, but this adds a whole new method of composing pieces that I would have never tried before. I've so fare learned to use Maya, Mudbox, Google Sketchup, and so far ZBrush is what I'm drawn to. Maya is cool for the rendering and creating hard edged objects, but ZBrush feels like I'm back to sculpting that big clump of red clay my mom used to use around the house.
There will be a lot more to come, but this is it for now....

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Guess Who's Back SUCKA!!?

Still workin' away at my comic, book illustrations, studies, etc.....
I'll confess though, the majority of my time has been dedicated to learning ZBrush inside out. I took a break after that treacherous month of working with Mudbox, creating my Warrior character... A learning experience, but very very treacherous! It's now ZBrush all the way baby! I like it just for fooling around, and since I've spent so much time self teaching, I might as well go all the way with it.

Here is my Frag. I did about 10 render passes in ZBrush and came up with this. I think this is the style I wanted for my comic, but I might make it more cell shady looking in the final comics.


Friday, April 29, 2011

3D Noob

In my inbetween Illustration time, I've been experimenting with my characters in ZBrush. I'm thinking it may be faster to finish my comics if I don't have to worry about drawing them over and over. I can just pose them and add the captions.

Sculpted in ZBrush4


Monday, April 18, 2011

More TMNT Attacks!

I've been pretty busy lately. Working on illustrations for a novel, but in my spare time, I've been trying to finish up the Turtles.
I'd say I'm about 60% done. But these are only test illustrations. The real magic will come with the main ShowDown Painting!

So, here are a couple of previews of Leonardo and Michaelangalo.


Sunday, March 27, 2011

More Coloring Book Fun

S'more coloring book stuff. These are pretty fun, but not very original. I just like painting the round shapes.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Monday, March 21, 2011

Princess Coloring Book Stuff

Just took a page from my girlfriend's Princess Coloring book, and threw on some paint.
Turned out pretty nice.
Character is Sleeping Beauty, Disney's Design.

Painted in Photoshop and Painter.


Friday, March 18, 2011

Donatello Smash!!!

Finally finished! Took a bit more time with detail on this one.
As I began, I had a hard time with the color values, so I decided to scrap it and do a monochromatic painting and the apply color later.
I like the way it turned out. Not as much motion as the Raphael one, but still good.
Some steps for you the technique

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

100th Post! Time To Party!

I love the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! When I was a kid, I loved drawing my own version of them, performing random acts of violence against the Foot Clan. I loved those ultra violent comic books when I was growing up, but the Turtles I knew didn't really do that stuff.... Until now!
I'm trying to come up with a major Motion Painting that encompasses the essence of the Ninja Turtles, and is wicked awesome to look at.
This painting I worked on yesterday and today is just a concept of what I want to really paint. It's not as realistic as I imagined, but I'll save that for the final idea.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Finished! Time to move on....

Just finished up today. I'm gonna call it complete. It's time to move on to some Ninja Turtle action!


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lion O Touchups

Just adding some finishing touches before I can call it complete.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Monday, February 28, 2011

Some More ThunderCats Action

Working on some new redesigned Thundercats stuff. Threw this together this morning, not even close to being finished though.


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Leprechaun Drunkenness!

Finished this up last night.
This was a delight to paint. Just pure original ideas coming to life.


Friday, February 25, 2011

St. Patty's Day Fun_ Progress

Just working on a St. Patty's day picture. Think I'll make a sticker or business card to give out during the drunkness.

Not finished, just the progress as I go along.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Commissioned Portraits

I've been busy lately shooting out Portraits. A little dry, but fun for studying.
All Painted in Painter from photograph reference.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Just A Little Change

Been workin' on a few Valentines day Commission paintings, and I'm finally done..... For now. One more to go!
I just wanted to throw some sketches I did a over the past few weeks.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Final Warrior Entry!

The time has come, where I've gotta suck it up and post my final finished rendering of my Warrior.
It's been quite some time, but I think I'm ready to let him go.
I checked out the entries so far, and they are all really beautiful.... in their own way. Some are wicked awesome though!
So here it is!