It feels like it has been forever. So I'm not gonna lie, I have been slacking off for the past month weeks. But that doesn't account for the past three months. I have been doing a lot of studying in perspective, construction and basic drawing. You might be thinking, why would an "Artist" need to study drawing? Well, I know I can draw, that isn't the problem. I know that I have to get a lot better to take on the task of creating my own written, drawn, inked, and painted comic book(s).
I had an idea to just sculpt the characters, pose them in static environments, then put word bubbles to illustrate a story. Through many hours of sculpting in ZBrush and modeling in Maya, I came to the conclusion that that would be a stupid idea! Perhaps the stupidest ever! You're an artist, and that would take all of the fun out drawing! Don't get me wrong, you can create some cool stuff in ZBrush and Maya, but nothing I can do in those programs can compare the dynamic art I can spit out onto a blank canvas!
So I broke down to the basics once again, and busted out the o'l pencil and sketchbook.
Painting has not been a priority, because I felt I was lacking in the line department. But enough with the excuses! I will come around, and I will finish the first issue, even if it takes me a year!
Here is some random crap I did a few weeks ago. It helped me to make some crap, so I can appreciate the awesome I will create.